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MUSAP is awarded NGI Trustchain funding to build Unified Signature API

NGI Trustchain funded MUSAP project by Methics

Methics has participated at the competitive open call #1 on Decentralised Digital Identity of the EU-funded NGI TRUSTCHAIN project (, that focuses on trustworthy digital identities and data. Methics is awarded a cascading grant for implementing the MUSAP project (Multiple SSCDs with Unified Signature API Library Project) that will result in an open-source Unified Signature API.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the NGI TRUSTCHAIN program under cascade funding agreement No. 101093274. MUSAP Project is selected for funding from over 100 entries in OC1 of NGI Trustchain.

MUSAP aims to develop a new software interface called Unified Signature Application Programming Interface (USAPI) Library. The interface provides a consistent and flexible way for applications to request either low, substantial or high LoA signatures, regardless of the SSCD technology or location of the private key. MUSAP project will form a common Signature Profile for the device. As the client relies on existing standards and architecture to interface multiple SSCD technologies.

NGI Trustchain team during evaluation observed that:

“MUSAP is solving an important and fundamental problem of digital wallet secure key management with a particular focus on interoperability. The novelty appears from the specific linkage of existing technologies, and it should be the first unified API for every SSCD. Proposed concept is clear and feasible while usability is evident.”


Methics will focus on interfacing MUSAP with EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation, eventually supporting both Type 1 and Type 2 EUDI Wallets for iOS and Android.

MUSAP project concept implementing Unified Signature API Library

MUSAP project will deliver 4 deliverables according to agreement with NGI Trustchain. These deliverables are:

  • D1 – MUSAP Detailed Scope (September 2023): Includes state of the art overview, use case analysis and preliminary technical specification of MUSAP. D1 specifies how MUSAP extends and/or upgrades the state-of-the-art of current Digital Identity solutions.
  • D2 – USAPI Library and Guide (November 2023): Detailed technical specification of MUSAP, along with software implementation work plan, demo scenarios, and preliminary business plan.
  • D3 – Reference Implementations (February 2024): Implementation of MUSAP on mobile client (Android and iOS), interface with selected TRUSTCHAIN platform, testing, and validation roadmap in with use cases.
  • D4 – MUSAP project demo (March 2024): Modularised software components ready for distribution, full documentation for developers/users, final business plan.

If you are interested in Methics offering and want to know more details, or want to schedule a demo, feel free to get in touch!